Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Energy 101: Part 1 of However Many it Takes.


As the title of this blog implies, the US is currently failing, miserably, at conducting its energy policy. At least in my somewhat humble opinion. I'm no expert, no; I'm well read, and capable of research. This is what being a citizen used to mean. Now, I'm pretty sure it means "one who spends money and doesn't ask any questions," which is, somewhat amusingly, what communism basically was. Well, without the money part.

Where did the conclusion that the US is failing at energy come from? Mostly, it came from looking around; when it's 75 degrees in November, when there's massive hurricanes, when you have oil spills that never have their damage viewable by the non-vetted general public...well, you start to wonder, what's going on? And what's going on is a country wedded to dirty fuels, dirty industry, and dirty politics. But this isn't a blog about climate change.

Oh no, another one of those green hippies. No. I support 'green', not because of the environmental impacts (although those are desperately needed for the world at large if we want to continue having, for example, humans), but because green/renewable energy will be the driver of economic growth in the world for the next 50 years. And the US is far, far behind. As a British energy executive said, "The US is the new India".

What I hope to do with this blog is raise awareness for the 8 people that may read it, and make proposals that, frankly, shouldn't be proposals but should have been hammered out as law and/or policy by now. Using this vast internet thinggie, I hope to provide links to stories both highlighting what is being done, technologically, in green energy production, as well as what the dirty energy of the past 100 years has done to the world and the US at this current moment.

I'm reminded of the Roman Empire. My discipline is History; I have seen the past in hopes of writing the future. And that future, in this country, is teetering very close to repeating the past failures of other empires. This would be a loss, both for those of us living here, and also for the world; the research university leaders are here, and they are producing the future. I wouldn't want to count on other countries picking up the slack.

Wow, that was a long winded intro. Cheers!

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